Friday 20 May 2016

Easiest ways to make $50 per day

Easiest Ways Make $50 in a Day

If you're thinking of adding some money to your rainy-day fund, then there are a few ways to make a quick buck. But making money isn't always easy, and some of these tasks are time-consuming, so be sure to pick ones that you don't mind doing. Here are some suggestions:
  1. Plan a vacation: There are people looking for help with vacation planning onTaskRabbit, an website that matches up task-doers with task-givers. One of the tasks that you can do from home is help out with vacation planning, which can mean hours of research. Some of the listings charge anywhere from $13 for help with finding plane tickets to about $62 for help with planning a two-week trip to Europe.
  2. Clean someone's home: Cleaning a home is another way to make a quick buck, and there are a number of cleaning tasks available on TaskRabbit that can go for over $100, depending on how extensive the chore is.
  3. Deliver items: Have a car? Maybe you can earn $50 or more by helping someone move items. My friend recently paid a TaskRabbiter $50 to collect a cabinet for her. Check out the delivery tasks that are doable on the site. You can even earn money by helping people unpack their stuff.
  4. Sell used items: If there are items you need to get rid of, then try selling them on sites such as Craigslist, eBay, or Amazon. You can also bring them to thrift stores to see if you can get anything for them.
  5. Do 10 Fiverr tasksFiverr is a website where people can buy and sell services for $5. You can offer to do services like draw pictures, give advice, or perform silly acts on video.
  6. Rent out your couch: I've seen people renting out their couches on Airbnb, and for $50 a night in some cities.
  7. Participate in surveys: Participate in surveys to make extra money. Sometimes all you have to do is answer a few questions.There are plenty of legitimate opportunities that you can find through Craigslist. Of course, there are plenty of scams, as well, so be careful when responding to these listings.

1 comment:

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